"This is from the head and from the heart. It is a brilliant
meditation on the nature of gift-giving within the culture of Burning
Man. Renea Roberts has captured, in deed and word, in thoughts and
in actions, what seemed unpicturable. Everyone should see this."
Larry Harvey, Founder and Director of Burning Man
"I have seen several other documentaries about Burning Man, and they tend to focus on the "gee whiz" aspects of the event: See the naked people! Gaze upon the freaky art! Watch the Giant Man BURN!...Well, there's a little of that, it's unavoidable at Burning Man, and also a lot of fun, but as anyone who has been can attest, that kind of focus leaves out the main reason the event is so compelling: the openness, the connection with others, and the function of the gift, of course. Great images + good words + beautiful music + beatific ideas = GO SEE THIS FILM."
Juan/John Walker, Gift Culture Enthusiast and Key Houston Regional Contact
"I saw your film. Wow. I saw it in a crowded room and loud room, on a bad
screen, barely able to hear it, and about two months later it is still
affecting me."
Leslie Bocskor, Burning Man Regional Coordinator, New York City
"My sister and I were fortunate enough to see your film while in town for my
daughter¹s wedding. We loved it! You captured the true essence of the gift
economy and the reason so many are drawn to Burning Man and the regional
events. Thank you for your wonderful effort. As one who has not attended
Burning Man (only regional) you brought an understanding that is so
difficult to do in words alone. Keep up the great work."
Karen Balloun-Tewault, Never attended Burning Man
"I was raised a gifter, perhaps this is why Burningman clicked with me so
much. Your film helps me in explaining why I give things away, why I buy
unbirthday presents, and why my husband and I just do stuff for people, even if they are strangers."
Margaret Clayton
"I received the copy of your film GIFTING IT last week. I have viewed it once and plan to revisit it soon. I think it is very good and important work. I find myself thinking about it often...I had been aware of the Burning Man festival for some time, but had never realized the importance of the Gifting Economy concept to the event. It became more and more clear, as I watched the film, that this festival was a prototype for the future. You are, as far as I know, the first to document that phenomena. I will be linking to your website from SynEARTH, and welcome your linking to any of my articles and papers on the Gifting economy, and GIFTegrity. Perhaps an opportunity will come for us to co-Laborate in making more films about the Future."
Timothy Wilken, see