GIFTING IT: A Burning Embrace of Gift Economy
Running time: Approximately 74 minutes
Price: $25.00 DVD
Plus Shipping & Handling
Allow 2 weeks for delivery
If you prefer not to use paypal, you can send a check or money order for $25.00 for each copy (NM residents add 6.625%) plus $4.25 for shipping and handling to the below address. Be sure to include your mailing address and email address. International orders: first send an email to
Renea Roberts/R3 Productions P.O. Box 397 Cerrillos, NM 87010
Educational or Re-sale: If you are interested in copies for educational or re-sale, please contact the director at
**We are unable to process international orders at this time. Please visit if you are outside the United States and would like to purchase a copy of "GIFTING IT".
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